Wednesday, December 19, 2012



Its been a long time i shouldn't left you without a strong rhyme to step to think of how many weak shows you slept through times up sorry i kept you, thinking of this you keep repeating you miss the rhymes from the microphone soloist so you sit by the radio hand on the dial soon as you hear it PUMP UP THE VOLUME...i could go on forever ERIC B FOR PRESIDENT OWWWWW!!!! Anywho, some things have been happening and the Universe has been very very busy. Dont no where to begin so lets the beginning.

My last post i stated i wasn't focused on weight lost because i have a bit of an obsessive personality and it will consume me and sabotage any hope of me fully becoming whole and getting all my pieces together! So i dont even go near the scale i simply eat good foods, think good thoughts, do good deeds and what the heck can go wrong right? WRONG...i fell down the dang steps! I tore the heel of my right foot UP so much so that i HAD to go to the Emergency Room because i have watched enough ER Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and Chicago Hope to know i broke something!

Well i didn't break anything contrary to my extensive knowledge of TV medicine as the Doctor stated i would have to have jumped out of a 4-Story building in order to break the very strong CALCANEUS BONE but i had done enough damage to sit my arse down somewhere! But that wasn't the worst part...I HAD TO BE WEIGHED!!!! Dear God in Heaven why must you mock me so? 

The Nurse said do you know how much you weigh...and i am like is fat a number? eh? She was like get on the scale wise guy!!!!!! The best part is the numbers came up and this must be some new fangled scale because it was like half my body weight (ok a quarter, who am i kidding) And i was like GREAT this is Greek to me, and this WENCH gonna yell out the number! If my heel bone wasn't broke i swear i would have mule kicked her into the Labor and Delivery!

So i was devastated at the number AND what this knowledge was going to do to my Psyche? Was i gonna head to the nearest Krispy Kreme and gorge myself and give up the frickin Ghost??? Or was i gonna go on a Torture Fast Vowing never to eat again ending up in a padded cell rocking back in forth reciting lines from obscure foreign films? WHAT THE FRACK HAD THIS LADY DONE TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

Well i am happy to report she has done nothing but help me. My struggle is always one for balance, as my love affair with food is synonymous with the one i am working on having with myself, if this was a Finally Loving Yummy Goodness that is Food Challenge it would have been one post and all would be well, but this is Finally Loving Yourself Challenge, about learning and developing a relationship with food that will help me and promote self love not hurt me and promote self loathing! 

Knowing how much i weigh in no way negates the efforts that i have made and the progress i have made and am making, i am so extreme in ALL things I LOVE WITH EVERYTHING when i love, and when i aint pretty, and such a fine line with me, again struggle for balance. I am All in this journey of self discovery and mastery i am all in, and a number on scale no more defines me than the man in the moon, it is simply a guide, it lets me know HEY this isn't the product of the best self treatment is it? No? Okay, well lets do something about it.  I have to be LOVING toward myself and i would no sooner beat up a loved one who came to me about a weight issue, i would love them, i would help them settle on the best part and i would help them devise a plan to be VICTOR and not a victim...I must treat myself with the same respect, love and care. So thank you Nurse Betty! This wasn't a battle i thought i was ready for but obviously i was wrong, as i have been prone to be at some time or another! 

Its funny because i was just telling my cousin/therapist/separatedatbirther the day before how i will say a thing and then the universe will come not a second later and be like PROVE IT! And as soon as i said weight loss was a by product of healthy living and that i wasn't going to focus it on it...the universe was like PROVE IT!

Well this is Day 15 of my Juicing for Better Living, and i am here and healthy, blood pressure is great all my vitals in good order! I am sort of glad my foot is out of commission as my desire to be a zealot was thwarted, now i have to wait to really exercise and thus i wont over do it, because i simply cannot...BALANCE!

So excited about getting all my pieces that have fractured throughout this journey called life all back together again, this is SOUL's work and is not for the weary or faint of heart, the same goals i have set to accomplish material gain or educational advancement, is the fervor i have to have for my SOUL's repair! I am ALL IN! 

Respect your body...your temple!
It's been better to you, than you've been to it.
Give thanks to your body for it's life long commitment and loyalty to you!"

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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