Sunday, December 2, 2012


DECEMBER F.L.Y. Challenge-Finally Loving Yourself!

I am so super amped i have such wonderful souls in my life that push me further without even knowing! So a Shout out to all my SOUL MATES i love you people XOXOXXXOXXO!!!

So i bring in the month of December with the F.L.Y. Challenge! I was reading a post that read:  "When we take away one's struggles to soon, we take away their strength to FLY.  Everything is learning...strengthening." Compliments of The illustrious Dr. Melva Green and this was one of her friend's response: "FLY: Finally Loving Yourself"  it hit me like a ton of bricks, as i am thoroughly enthralled in this season of ME (whether i like it or not!) Finally...Loving...Yourself 

So on my road of self discovery and self love i have completed the November Fitness Challenge but it hasn't stop there! The November Fitness Challenge was a catalyst for change for so many of us, and even if it were only ONE that would have been sufficient! And i can claim the ONE slot for sure!

I subconsciously do things everyday that promote self-loathing, lack of self-care, which can come in many forms in my case:

Not getting proper rest KNOWING full well i can't function without it. 
Not eating properly, not exercising, not Shaun T or Tony Horton, but just taking a brisk walk during break/lunch, Tai Chi, Yoga, everything doesn't have to be training for a triathlon. 
Not thinking positive thoughts, speaking kind words to myself or others.  
Not taking the time to be STILL, meditate, pray, acknowledge a higher power, or if im having a difference of opinion with the creator as i have been known to do (DJM), acknowledge myself and the miracle that of ME! 

If i just stop to think about the miracle of me for a moment without getting crass (as i have a tendency to do from time to time, i know shocker)

  • Of the millions of sperm that are ejaculated into the vagina, most die during the journey, and only one can win the race to successfully fertilise the egg.
  • From a sperm’s point of view, the egg is miles away. It swims at about 2-4 milimetres per minute, and can sometimes manage to get there in under an hour
I have beaten the odds in just being created! I am Frickin Magnificent, Magnanimous, bounteous A MIRACLE, so how should i treat a miracle?

I am not about to get all preachy, cuz we be set tripping My God is better...No my God...No my God yall going to hell!!! While we look around in our communities and living in hell right now, we don't even have to look outside our doors, i kid myself our communites, how about we start in the MIRROR! 

We abuse our bodies, our minds, our souls, drink, smoke, over eat and any other way imaginable to defile our temple that according to most who reside here in these fine United States, thus, a Judeo Christian Society are taught: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them

So, given that we go by our bibles (instead of going in them, (i crack me up) (how do i have parentheses inside parentheses) (i am a clown for sure) but i digress) If we go by our bible we are made in the creators image and likeness.  So self love should be as natural as breathing right? Well, since i haven't gotten to that vibration yet i am going to make a conscious effort to re-direct my energies, thus my actions to re-align myself with myself MY TRUE SELF not what this world has made me! 

So for my December F.L.Y Finally Loving Yourself Challenge, I am writing out actions that i must perform daily that promote SELF LOVE and this is what my list will look like as i don't mind sharing!

MEDITATION/PRAYER-me and my relationship with my Creator has been a tumultuous one to say the least, i am working very hard (in my mind) to get it together as that is the Matrix of my evolution.  There is a story in the bible when God came to Visit Abraham and Sarah with his two companions and so being God and showing up unannounced Abraham starts to scramble around getting water to wash God's feet, trying to find food to feed God and his Companions, so as Abraham is finding grain to make bread and animals to slaughter to add to the menu, God asks, where is Sarah, and Abraham responds she is in the house. God then told Abraham, Sarah would have a child...and at this point they were old...i mean tales of the Crypt old, and Sarah laughed over hearing the conversation and thought to herself this dude is tripping (im ad libbing here) And God was like nah you tripping, why are you laughing (again ad libbing) , and Sarah was like, i wasn't laughing? And then God was like, and then she was like, and then God was point is Our Creator can indeed make a way out of no way "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" i dare say NO! And even if it seems that way for me, when i reposition my thoughts and my energies and stay plugged into the source, there is NOTHING i cant accomplish, and that alone gets me giddy!

USING LOTION DJM what may seem simple for some, not so much for me, i be ashy as 8 Afrikans, not properly maintaining my skin is a form of neglect, it is my body's biggest organ, and i can make a hundred and one reasons on why i don't, can't, and its all poppy cock, invest in a good product and in the infamous words of Tim Gunn, Make it Work-I AM WORTH soft supple skin as i love soft skin, so why not start with my own?

TAKING TIME FOR ME-reconnecting with my inner child (and she was mad as hell let me tell you) But she was also funny, and loving and loyal and generous and witty and SHE still is, i am going to get re-acquainted with her, and heal her and love her and remember the things she enjoyed that made her happy and start participating in activities BY MYSELF that MAKE ME HAPPY and BRING ME JOY. Things that i stopped finding time for-I AM WORTH making myself happy, as its an inside job!

UNPLUGGING-I watch far too much TV and it keeps me up at night, and i need REST! So i am turning off cell phones, computers, tablets and any other distracting electronic items when it is time for me to retire. I will drift off into the sweet sweet nectar of slumber without the outside world bombarding my spirit and my mind-I AM WORTH a refreshing Sleep and energized Morning

DAILY EXERCISE-even if it running around with my boy, i will move these limbs as they are made to move and not be sedentary, Walking, Running, Biking, Turbo Jamming, P90xing, Stepping, Dancing-movement-I AM WORTH a fit and fine, healthy body!

EMIT GOOD POSITIVE VIBRATIONS- and with that i will leave you with this:

Everything is energy.
You....are energy. 
You are a wireless device. 
You are emitting your own frequency.
Your frequency, emits an overall signal and vibration to the world.

You get back and attract the things that match your frequency's signal.

If you want to receive different results than what surrounds your current reality, you will need to shift your energy, focus, frequency, and vibration....
A.k.a....your thoughts & the way you think.... your feelings & the way you feel, your focus & what you repeatedly focus on, your habits - what you habitually do,
and your emotions - the way you master/control them.

You contain and always have the power within you,
the power to master and control your life-
by raising your energy, your thoughts, your vibration, and your frequency.

The power is yours!

-Supanova Slom

WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR YOURSELF FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER AND EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE HENCEFORWARD TO PROMOTE SELF-LOVE?  I am promoting Self-Love...Second to Second, Moment to Moment,  Day to Day, until i am the best version of me Finally Loving Yourself!

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!
**no actual Afrikans have been harmed in the making of this blog**

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