Friday, November 30, 2012


So i am lying in bed, sleep, minding my own business! First night my sleep had not been bombarded with dreams in WEEKS and the fire alarm goes's 3 o clock in the morning Where you gonna be, OUTside on the corner! Im sorry i digress (a few hip hop heads will know that one, and i know its actually 5 o'clock) Anyhoo, the alarm goes off my husband is not in the bed and i hear walking all around, im like okay am i gonna have to go Mossad Style up in this mickey fickey? So, being who i am a whole scenario goes through my head of what is about to go the EFF down! Fast forward 15 minutes....

My husband is the source of the fire alarm (cleaning the oven after baking a boat load of pies) And my Krav Maga will have to remain on reserve to be used another day! So, its smokey, im up and pissed as i can barely get to sleep in the frickin first place and so i start to watch one of all time favorite movies The First Wives Club and its toward the end, so i start prowling Facebook as i cant think of a better word then prowling this time of morning, but nothing and I MEAN NOTHING is without purpose! 

I have a dear Mentor who has transitioned from this life and she taught me something at a very young age, well one thing was if you awaken in the night you should pray, not flip on The First Wives Club, but as importantly, sometimes you have to be still, and when you are presented with opportunities (ie. being choked out of my sleep by BlackChef) challenges, or simply just a moment in time all your own, determine what is in it for you, to learn from, to grow from, as nothing is without purpose!

I have already decided some things need to change for the better and have consciously began to work toward it. During this fragile time and transition things have been murky, uncertain, frustrating and downright confusing.  Without the correct positioning of my mind and energy i saw set backs as failures and a lot of my past experiences were obscuring my future experiences, my present experiences and causing me to falter.  I saw a post today that resonated with me...Use the Past as a Learning Experience and then GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! 

I see this two ways, the first one, naturally, moving forward and not dwelling in the past.  But the second, and most important to me at this time is to LITERALLY...get the HELL OUT ie. doubt, fear, self loathing, hurt, pain, disappointment, judgment, negativity, self-deprecation, and my all time favorite THE SIN OF IGNORANCE...what is the sin of ignorance you say? That will be for another post but the point is GET THE HELL OUT...allow the deepest darkest succubus to surface and move up out of ME...Banish it (Charmed Fan) never to hold power over me again...THAT is a process and like my dear Sister Told me at the my Last PHOENIX RISING BALTIMORE SISTER CIRCLE its about PROGRESS not perfection!

So right before i had determined i needed to BE STILL this is the OPPORTUNITY AND GROWTH MOMENT WAS AFFORDED TO ME...This may be the Last Day of the November Fitness Challenge but this is a new day and new time i have never been in before, what i did yesterday is a lesson that cannot be altered, but Today? Today is as good a day as any to continue my journey of self love, so this isn't over, but on the contrary...just the beginning! Take the time and Check out the above link.

I am so excited i wanna FLY Finally.Loving.Yourself...join me

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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