Wednesday, November 7, 2012

OMG the Turbo Jam was almost my undoing


So i haven't blogged in a couple of days and Lord knows i can't remember what i did this morning much less 2 days ago. But i know i did the TURBO JAM and it was not a game. I did the Party Mix 3 Cardio OMG what is that little lady thinking? She is thinking she is gonna whip my arse in shape that's what!

When i tell you i could not get the moves i mean i couldn't, i would say i felt like Buffy, Jenny or Tammy, but Buffy Jenny and Tammy put my ShaNayNay behind to shame. My rhythm was off and i could see my husband behind me like what the FRACK? 

BUT i persevered and i did not give up and i finished the 50 minute work out.  YAY ME!

My eating this day was an all you can eat event at one of my favorite eateries O'S PLACE and i didn't leave up out that piece until my husband rolled me out on the freight elevator!

One thing i have learned from this experience thus far, is that i WILL NOT GIVE UP and i WILL MASTER myself and be successful. 

Wanted to offer a treat for the Turbo Jam and provide a little taste of what it entails. My favorite part is at the end called the Finesse...couldn't find it anywhere on the net? COULDN'T believe it?  But i find this little snippet and i really am into it CHECK IT OUT

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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