Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hello the 80's is Calling and They Want Their Work Out Back !


So desperate times call for desperate measures that's right ladies and gentlemen you eyes are not deceiving you i am performing.....wait for it.....STEP Aerobics, not just any step but REEBOK STEP w/Gin Miller

I had not realized how much i ONE Missed Gin Miller and the gang, but also, how much i enjoyed Step Aerobics as an exercise, and the big Deal is I USE TO BE GOOD AT IT? 

However, today i was holding on to God's unchanging hand, I was uncoordinated and just a hotdamnmess if i say so myself and I DO! I was out of breath, doing the low impact and Dear Jesus did she just tell me to jump across this damn thing? 

BUT and again a bigger but than my own, I DID IT! i did not give up and i swear that TAPE AND YES i do mean VH to the mother effn S was an hour long. It was not my intention to go back to the future but my Walk Away the pound DVD (which is the exercise i picked for today) is Scratched and skipping. So i decided to go into the archives and i am glad i did, as this will be a splendid addition to my arsenal against slothfulness! 

What did i eat today: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fried Chicken, Potatoes and Pepsi, now i have to say in my defense that my husband wasn't home so therefore i didn't eat (is that really in my defense?) I thought it was until i typed it out HA! So he brought me food while i worked at my desk and inhaled it at 9:35 pm. This has given me another resolve! MEAL PLANNING! I am not starving myself, I am not depriving myself I am going to be sensible again STRUGGLE FOR BALANCE which i actually read today also. And it reminded me i need to juice up and have the creator as my center because even as an imbalanced being, the creator will be my anchor to maintain the balance i need to be successful! 

Guess what else i found???? Jane to the MothaEffin Fonda!!!! Whaaaaaaaat?? Ahmahzing!!!!! I am gone work these old gals until i can complete these videos and be like what? SMACK DOWN GIN...SUPLEX aint said nothing but a word!!!! But first i need to purchase an actual STEP because i used my son's play mats and that was not SAFE but effective!!!! I am so uber excited about this challenge now and although everything on me still aches so good and i am one step closer to being the best version of myself. Which is fricking fantastic if i do say so myself.. and i do 

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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