Friday, November 2, 2012

NoBODY Move NoBODY Gets Hurt!


Dear Jesus be a Masseuse Shaun Theodore Tuttlebaum has brought me low.  My body hurts so much i could barely make it to work and i work in my home, from my toes to the ends of my hair..HURT! BUT and its a big But (even bigger than my own) It did not deter me from pressing on and performing my duty to myself with Day's 2 exercise WALK AWAY THE POUNDS  Today it was more like Agonizing Away the Pounds because i tell you it took everything in me to complete this challenge this day.

I called my partner and she flaked out on me talking some ole yin yang about her body hurts i wanted to come through the phone but one...i would not fit and two i didn't have the strength! 

But i pressed on!

Yesterday i finally had my meal: Tacos and Navy Bean Soup with Lots of Water...i had such a headache once Shaun T finished whipping up on me that i decided to eat something but it was tooooo late and the headache turned into a migraine that would not let up! So i took a Tylenol PM and 500 MG Tylenol extra strength to no avail.

I finished with work at 11pm and went to bed...or so i thought. My alter ego emerged with a Lustful Vengeful Fury and devoured not one but 2 candy bars in the night. I didn't want to focus to much on my food this go round, as much as focusing on getting active and what is eating ME!  I want to gradually make this life style change with my food intake because i know i have a serious issue with food!!!! By this worlds terms i eat pretty healthy, but from a HOW TO EAT TO LIVE standpoint and from a lover of self standpoint I most certainly do not!

So i didn't beat myself up about it or guilt myself about it or given it much thought other than i must do better, i am going to love myself through this process as i have beaten myself up for far too long treating myself less than but expecting more? Talk about oxymoronic and heavy on the moron. 

So tonight it is my fervent prayer that the shakes don't come upon me and i morph into a cross between Diana Ross in Lady Sings the Blues and Chris Rock in New Jack City because all the G Moneys and Billy Dees in this world will not be able to stop me #slightlyneuroticfatgurl 

But every thing we need is in us and when i say us i don't mean me as an individual but US as in the human family so my sister suggested that we not get caught up in the physical and neglect the mental/spiritual and when she did another part of the "US" my other sister suggested a self help study guide STRUGGLE FOR BALANCE now how timely is that? I will feed on this word as i learn to love myself enough to do better by myself as we know the unseen is ALWAYS greater than the seen. 

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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