Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Evil that Men Do...


I am running myself RAGGEDY. I have got to do better, and each day i feel in the most visceral of ways that i am getting closer to my true self. When you truly learn to honor that mother wit God Conscious Women's intuition whatever you choose to call it and really  face and answer the hard questions evolution takes place! Sometimes you look back on yesterday or even this MORNING and wonder "who and the hell was that person?" 

I am raw right now and overly tired so who knows what will come off this keyboard so let me stick to the plan at hand: This morning Challenge ONE, my husband delivers me breakfast in bed. Now i love this man to the ends of the earth and back again, but waffles and eggs C'mon Son! So i just flat out said, i am not eating that! He said okay and gave it to my son.  Later when i asked why he brought that to me, he said if i hadn't you would have asked me why i didn't.  Which is so true, so i told him the truth, that i loved his dirty drawers and he is right he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't ..this isn't called slightly neurotic fat gurl because i couldn't think of a better title you know! 

So i kicked the first challenge of the day in the arse!

So i had to work, then meet a girlfriend in DC at one of my favorite restaurants CO CO SALA YUMMY 

Then travel to a Grocery Store out of my way for healthy snacks that are only sold at this store then come BACK to work and work until eleven.  

So instead of sleeping in this morning as i wished to do i pulled my rabbit out of my hat and my workout for today was martial arts! Well...I had the wrong tape which was the belt requirements that are beyond my scope, so i asked the resident Sensei to work me out! THIS FOOL GOES AND GETS HIS KENPO X  DVD that comes with his P90X and popped it in! 

I only had 45 minutes and due to technical difficulties it went down to 35 but i kicked ass and took names! This challenge is proving to me that the physicality is is indeed my diet, not to be on a diet, but there are some psychological and physiological issues at play here!

I sat here at my desk and thought overall i have had a successful day! I have been trying to deal with my eating portion as i love the active part of this challenge but the food part has always been difficult, i am meeting this challenge methodically and with purpose because it is my destiny to master this and never go back,  and this is what i received today as i was just about to log off for today : This was posted on Facebook by

In the beginning of a dietary shift you ARE NOT stronger than your cravings. Nor should you expect to be. You have developed a relationship to the foods you eat. You and your previous diet are like the best of friends, inseparable, all the way down to the cellular level. It's that deep. The food that you have chosen to put into your body up until now has become you and is a part of your physiology
. That's no easy bond to break! So, why are you attempting to stick to better eating habits using willpower alone? Don't get me wrong, if you're a master of standing your ground and that works for you, that's awesome. But the vast majority of us fall off the bandwagon, time and time again unless we have systems in place to help us achieve our goals.

The best piece of advice I can give you to combat, or ignore cravings that call you to eat bad for you foods, is to not go hungry when you know you'll be surrounded by food options that are going to scream your name. Don't do it to yourself. Be around your old favorite restaurant, out with friends with no health food store in sight, or around junk food options galore and let your stomach growl just one time and you might slip back to your old ways. So always stay stocked with healthy snacks, eat before you go out when you know temptation will be near and then let your willpower do the rest, but don't ask of yourself the impossible by going hungry and seeing how long you can hold out. Almost never turns out right.

My destiny is Vegan-ism, i may have made that up but so damn what its my blog! Not because it is a fad, but this is what my body needs after so much damage i have bestowed upon it. Through my depression and self loathing and struggles and pain FOOD has been my GOD and i make no qualms with that! I have met it at the alter on many occasion in my obeisance to it. And i am ready for it to serve ME as it should!

I know through several different sources and confirmations from how i feel, dairy, wheat, gluten are no good for me, not just due to WEIGHT but simply my optimal health! This is a process and i will find the balance and i will meet my destiny with open arms and heart. This is what i choose, you may choose something else, and that is fantastic but whatever we choose we have to choose from a place of knowledge, wisdom and understanding with self-love and self-discovery as its platform! 

Meal Plan as i phase out all meat, fish, processed foods, wheat, white sugar etc..
BALANCE in all things...

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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