Friday, November 9, 2012

Get Jiggy Wit it!


Dear God in Heaven i Chose Dancing Dancing Dancing....she's a dancing machine ah baby OWWW! Anyone who knows me knows i will suffer a mini stroke before i get off the dance floor, one time me and my sisters partied so hard i couldn't see out my right eye Teheheheheheeheheheehehe i swear to Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints everyone had to stand to my left!!! We turned that Motha OUT and could barely move the next day (DJU) 
So, needless to say i was thrilled beyond measure when i pulled dancing from my cup WOO HOOOOO!!!

The Dilemma:

So i couldn't go to dance class as none were available between my split shift so i had to get creative. I groaned and thought i was gonna have to dance to Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T Buttery Behind, and then EUREKA! YouTube, so i Collard and Corn Breaded 3 times for my warm up. Wobbled my behind around my living room 4 times...almost tripping trying to watch the video, and Cupid Shuffled with the best of them, i think i did that 3 times also or at least twice and then Broke out with the Booty Called and this rendition i DID NOT LIKE and only God Knows what i was actually doing i only did this once and then warmed down with the Booty Wurk which i thought was the Booty Call but was not but i did it cause what the hey hey? It was great! i was moving and sweating and doing something i love, but i have to say i must invest in a dance video because all that stopping to find the video etc. was annoying, especially with my husbands sub par Machine as his machine can hook up to our flat screen and my superior MAC is far too good for such shenanigans (okay i don't have the usb cord!) so that was a down side! 

On the last dance before the warm down i kept my arms above my heart the entire time to get the greatest impact and did not stay ground to add intensity. I hope i get dancing again...teheheheheheehe Please hit the links and try the dances for yourself...i hope you love them as much as i do:D

My eating was as usual but i DID GO GROCERY SHOPPING Yay Me! i had:
and Orange Soda, White Popcorn and Greek Yogurt

I am working my food situation gradually as i am struggling for balance, i have gone hard core before to the point of throwing up waffles after i had eaten them in my bathroom I NEVER WANNA SEE That person again, so when i am ready it will come, of that i am sure...

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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