Friday, November 16, 2012

Home of the Wire Chicken Boxes 1/2 & 1/2's and Urban Belly Dancers


Okay we are on Day who knows what, i havent been blogging but i have been working out and some strange turn of events have taken place so i thought i would share! 

Firstly i been Turbo Jamming like a mug and i LOVE IT only doing the Cardio Party and the Finesse is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE my husband video taped it ridiculously but you get the gist of it, just turn your head sideways (what a boob) Gotta love him...and i do!

So i have been doing that for days because i love it so no sense in boring the heck out you people with it, and when i say you people...i mean you people! HA!


I had my LADY SINGS THE BLUES GIVE IT TO ME MOMENT i swear before everything all i could see was Billy Dee Williams up in here bout some soda, i am addicted! I swear i was sweating and waiting at the door for my husband with a knife like Diana Ross...don't come up in here with out my soda, chips and ice cream, well the ice cream was really italian ice and its 100 percent fruit and 80 calories, so that was okay...but the soda not so much! HA!

I drank 2 bottles, one, on Thursday Night and One today, Ginger Ale Green Tea (deceptive intelligence) and Champagne Kola! Other than that my eating has been pretty steady, Soup, Salad, Fish or Veggies etc. and pretty dang good til my husband tried to fried some brussel sprouts...Dear Jesus be a Fence! 

Thirdly, i believe today was a turning point for me in so many ways! I actually ran today! My husband and I dropped our son off, and it was all last minute he was leaving and was like hurry up and get dressed, im like okay through my fanny pack (yes i said Fanny Pack DJM) WHICH NOW FITS! My lovely fleece yoga pants that i think are super duper sexy...other women may like silks, cashmeres, linens I LOVE FLEECE and YOGA PANTS they make me feel real gooood! So i ran out of here behind out of doors and to the wind!!!!!

I ran down the hill as my body mass will allow nothing else and i was booking by the time i got to the end (pic on left) Well what goes down, must come up (pic on right) Believe or not i use to run this hill, well not today but i will again! Although when i got to the top that bench (bottom center) almost had my name on it, started to sit there and call a cab to take me home! But i didn't! I kicked that hill's ass and took names! 

Its so frickin funny because my subconscious even has a sense of humor as i was nearing the end of the hill and coming around home Harder to Breathe came on! HA! And it couldn't have been Truer!   I use to hate running through the streets of the Home of the Wire Chicken Boxes 1/2 and 1/2's and Urban Belly Dances, but, i quickly changed my mind as i wanted our people to see that if my big azz can do it, anyone can and just get out there! It was great to know these 40 year old Fat legs still got it...and its mine to get! As today was beautiful and i actually felt the love for myself erupting and was passing it on! Self Love is not easy for me, but doable and the only way to develop it as with any loving relationship is to do compassionate, loving and nurturing things so that it may grow...BECAUSE LOVE IS AN ACTION WORD!

I am SO GLAD I CHALLENGED MYSELF as my day was like HEAVEN, i mean i enjoyed myself so thoroughly today and i am so convinced that the closer you get to your purpose and why you were created the happier and more joyful you become! When i FACE my challenges and kick them in the arse it builds my self esteem. My schedule was today consisted of Walk/Run...Work...Salat Al Jummah in which i cried some tears, but not sad tears but breakthrough Tears, then ...Get my Boy...Entertain Him...then back to work! My days are grueling at times no doubt but i am such in the space of gratefulness that i just can't give a damn about the small stuff! I am the big STUFF literally (i crack me up) I MATTER I COUNT I AM WORTHY! WORTHY! And i am on the cusp of something! I keep thinking imma be like BIG PUN like im trying to live i aint going nowhere #RIP

Everything i need is all in me, i just have to pray like everything depends on the Creator and Work like everything depends on me...because it does! Until Next Time....

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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