Monday, December 24, 2012



I am up, miserable and mad as a wet CAT! So, i haven't juiced in 2 days due to me not prioritizing, i will not accept excuses from myself although i have several at the ready, but as i have been taught for a very long time by my Ummi that excusitis is a FAILURES's Disease! Dis-ease is the right word as i am so uncomfortable i cant even sleep!

It is 2 in the morning and i am unable to lie down due to indigestion What in the FRACK?????? I thought i would be able to ease into this vegan lifestyle but i am afraid i haven't a choice in the matter ANY LONGER!

If i had a sword i would fall the hell on it! I am mean, grumpy, i have no energy and little patience! My body is rejecting all that i have eaten for the last 2 days as my throat is itchy, mucus is building up as i type, and my asthma is on the cusp of being an issue again.

When i juiced, eating mostly Vegan without any diary when i first broke my juice fast, i felt euphoric, simply fantastic.  As soon as started eating wheat, diary and cheese and made no time to juice its been most horrible, i can no longer live my life like this.

I often say as black people we are not new to many things...recycling? We have been doing it for years...from Grease on the stove, to dish washing liquid being bubble bath, dish washing liquid and if times get too tough laundry detergent too.  TV knob broke, no need for repair or to throw out, where are the pliers? Cant get reception and the antenna is in need for a new one, where is a wire hanger?? And don't get me started on the hand me downs.

My point in this statement is simply a lot of times we have learned to just "Make Do" Car broke? Ride it til the wheels fall off? Feeling bad...keep going until its walking pneumonia and you have no choice but to stop! We have learned to "Make Do" sometimes simply out of necessity and we learn to "make do!" But i can no longer just "make do" i have to tend to myself like the prize and miracle that i am.  And how do we treat a miracle? This question will be asked time and time again until it is embedded in me so deeply that the "make do" no longer has a resting place!

I am thankful for yet another opportunity...not to get it right...but to BE BETTER!

Respect your body...your temple!
It's been better to you, than you've been to it.
Give thanks to your body for it's life long commitment and loyalty to you!"

This is a road of self-love self-discovery and self-mastery. I think we could all do better if we learned to control ourselves and set a course for our own destiny instead of offering so many opinions and advice we simply do not follow personally. BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK!

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